Acne (acne vulgaris) is one of the most common skin diseases (dermatoses) that occur at the beginning of puberty, but sometimes also in adulthood.
Acne is usually mild. In 40% of cases, however, the course of the disease can become chronic, with a wave-like appearance and severe inflammatory symptoms that lead to the formation of scars. There are various degrees of severity, acute and chronic courses and numerous subtypes of acne.
Those affected suffer a great deal, which can have both psychological and social effects, especially if previous treatments have been unsuccessful and “nothing seems to help”.
Treatment for acne is offered in our practices in Baden-Baden and Stuttgart.
Approx. 30-60 minutes depending on the treatment method
Fit for social life
For all treatments except the CO2 laser, usually right away
How long does the result last?
This is very dependent on the individual, the lifestyle and the person who commits to the process, which is why no general statements can be made. We advise, monitor and adapt the treatment so that you can expect significant improvements with a little patience and dedication.
Side effects
Treatment with the IPL laser and Scarlet RF therapy is not expected to have any serious side effects. Slight swelling, redness and crusting may occur. Treatment with the CO2 laser is also a safe procedure when used correctly, although it can lead to longer downtimes than the aforementioned treatments. A detailed consultation is required to check whether laser therapy can be used in the individual case during pregnancy.
When undergoing laser treatment, the sauna and frequent sunbathing should be avoided as much as possible at the beginning in order to avoid further irritating the sensitive skin. In addition, special care should be taken of the treated skin areas in the following days.
Pregnant women / nursing mothers
A detailed consultation is required to check whether laser therapy can be used in the individual case during pregnancy.
The number of sessions varies from person to person and depends on the personal skin condition.
YY Aesthetics offers various selected treatment options that have proven to be highly effective in the fight against blemished skin, blackheads, large pores, pimples, acne and acne scars.
This includes
- Scarlet radiofrequency therapy
- IPL – intense pulsed light (Stellar M22)
- Mesobotox treatment
- Use of the CO2 laser
In order to achieve visible results as quickly as possible, we combine different acne therapies that alleviate the symptoms and also have a preventative effect against acne. The success of the treatment is monitored by regular follow-up checks and the effectiveness of the treatments is monitored.
In a detailed consultation, those affected are extensively examined and an individually tailored treatment plan is developed. The personal history of the acne condition is taken into account when selecting the suitable methods. Depending on the severity and characteristics of the acne, different procedures are used. The aim is to free the skin from bacterial infections, inflammation, excessive sebum production and cornification disorders free the skin.
Depending on the severity and manifestation, a treatment period of several weeks must be expected. You can see and feel a clear improvement in the condition of the skin after the first few sessions.
Costs (based on the German Medical Fee Schedule, or GOÄ), depending on the treatment plan and area
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